Aging & Longevity

How Does William Shatner Stay Looking So Young?

The 93-year-old Star Trek icon, who could pass for 63, engages in a host of personal life-extending practices and attitudes.

By Noemi Canditi

Key Points: 

  • William Shatner, who turned 93 on March 22, 2024, has dismissed any notion of secret potions (though has tried out stem cell transplantation).
  • Instead, Shatner attributes his longevity to living life to the fullest while staying healthy (and riding horses).

William Shatner’s portrayal of James T. Kirk on Star Trek catapulted him to fame in the 1960s, and now, more than 60 years later, the actor, perhaps more than anyone, embodies the iconic Star Trek phrase “live long and prosper.”

During his seven-decade career in acting, directing, singing, and writing, Shatner has written thirty books, released eight albums, performed on Broadway, and appeared in over two hundred and fifty films, television shows, and stage productions. And he hasn’t slowed down.

Shatner’s most recent accomplishment is fitting given his role as Captain Kirk, beating all previous space explorers to become the oldest person to do so at ninety years old. And riding shotgun on Blue Origin, Jeff Bezos’s spaceship, wasn’t exactly a walk in the park. The journey was physically demanding for anyone, regardless of age, making the feat that much more impressive. Traveling at more than 2,000 MPH, passengers experience 5.5 Gs of force, which feels like five times their body weight pressing on their chests, making it difficult to breathe or move. Passengers must also be able to pass a fitness test prior to the flight. For example, NASA astronauts are required to complete military water survival and become SCUBA-qualified to prepare them for spacewalk training. This means they must swim 3 lengths of a 25-meter pool without stopping, and then swim 3 lengths of the pool in a flight suit and tennis shoes with no time limit. They must also tread water continuously for 10 minutes wearing a flight suit. 

Somehow, Shatner even still finds the time and effort to post on Twitter/X multiple times per day, which would rival some of the best young influencers of today.

The fact that he is still so full of life and so sharp of wit at the age of 93 has caused a lot of people to wonder: What is Shatner’s secret to living a long, active, and fulfilling life?

In the “Blue Zone”

A closer examination of Shatner’s life reveals that he is very health conscious, stating that he tries to eat mostly plant-based these days (with a few exceptions). In an effort to live longer, Shatner has admitted to adopting several of the lifestyle habits of the “Blue Zone” societies that have the longest average lifespans and lower rates of chronic disease. Blue zones are characterized by healthy lifestyles that include: Living with purpose, getting plenty of natural movement, eating a more plant-based diet, and prioritizing family are all part of this lifestyle. Side note, the term “Blue Zone” doesn’t have to do with some sort of association to a body of water or coast but rather has to do with a blue that was used to color in identified locales in the 2004 initial survey.

For Shatner, remaining active—physically, professionally, and socially—is part of his unofficial longevity program. Shatner has said that good, healthy aging comes from not being solitary or brooding, encouraging people to say yes to the opportunities life is offering, whether it’s dinner, going out, or trying something new. Shatner works out in the pool for 30 minutes each day, running in place and doing arm and leg exercises. 


However, Shatner has claimed that riding his horses is the true key to his fitness. Shatner goes for a two- or three-hour ride on his two or three days off from work. Riding is a great way to strengthen your muscles and improve your flexibility; it also demands a certain level of skill, balance, and dexterity. He finds inspiration to maintain his fitness level through horseback riding as well, saying that the thought of getting in shape to ride horses is his first thought upon waking up every morning.

What began as a coincidental gesture at a horse auction—mistaken for a bid—became Shatner’s lifelong passion: riding. Shatner took his first horse home with him because he was too ashamed to cancel the purchase. The happy accident, he says, opened a door to a period of his life that has given him so much happiness that he can not believe it; in fact, he gets emotional just thinking about it. Shatner asserts, at the age of 91, that he is more adept at riding than before. He regularly competes in riding and cart-driving competitions. As recently as 2019, Shatner won the title of world champion in the Amateur Roadster to Bike Championship at the Kentucky State Fair.

Staying adventurous

Seemingly pulling in another trait from his role as an interstellar explorer, Shatner has an adventurous, youthful wonder about life that pushes him to constantly try new things. For example, when he was in his mid-80s, Shatner purchased his first electric bike for himself and his wife, Elizabeth, and they routinely go on 20- to 30-mile excursions. Shatner, who has an arthritic back from all the horseback riding, said that while his muscles will be tender when beginning a ride, he feels much better once the ride is over. This has not only kept him active but has also provided an activity he can enjoy with his entire family. Shatner regularly bikes with more than a dozen of his family members over the hills of Santa Barbara.

Most recently, he received a stem cell treatment designed to systemically deliver restorative factors throughout his body. Shatner’s therapy involved intravenous infusion of stem cells manufactured in Southern California. Stem cell treatment has not been approved by the FDA for the treatment of any specific disease.

Don’t retire

For many people, making it to their senior years is often the time that a career is put to bed. But Shatner doesn’t prescribe to this mode of living and continues to say yes to work. Since turning 90, Shatner released the book, Boldly Go, he recorded a self-titled album called “Bill”, was the star guest at the 2022 LA Comic Con, and he’s working on a documentary detailing his trip into space. He is also the host and executive producer of a documentary series on The History Channel called UnXplained, a non-fiction series that explores the mysteries of the world.

Shatner has been through many desperate times in his life—out of work, broke, divorced, living in his car with his dog. Yet he never stopped pursuing the acting career he believed was his calling, and never took any of his successes for granted.

Never stop laughing and learning

In the same way that Captain Kirk has become synonymous with his name, William Shatner has adopted a signature sense of humor. So, it should not come as a surprise that Shatner had these words of wisdom to share in one of his books: Don’t die. That’s it. That’s the secret…Simply keep living and try not to slow down.

Along the same lines, Shatner has said that he looks for joy everywhere, whether it’s a hot bath, a good friend, or a piece of cheese. And now that he is in his tenth decade, Shatner continues to have such a zest for life, a thirst for knowledge, and a deep appreciation of the world around him.

Shatner has said: If you allow yourself to be awed by life, to keep drinking in its limitless knowledge, to keep striving for answers, to enjoy the beauty around us at every moment, to never be stagnant… well, then you might find yourself living for a very long time, and, ideally, prospering. Or, in the absence of the longevity and self-defined prosperity you seek, you might well find meaning, or even better, happiness.

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